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In accordance with General Reglament on the Protection of Personal Data (GRPD) 2016/679, we hereby inform you that the personal details provided through the website will be treated confidentially and will become part of an automated file which is the property of the Orfeón Donostiarra, Calle San Juan, 6, 20003, San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa,

Your personal details will be used for the purposes indicated on the pages on which the electronic personal details form is located. Similarly, your details may also be kept for the purpose of answering your application and for sending you (through both conventional and electronic channels) information related to our activities that may be of interest to you, up until the time you indicate that you no longer wish to receive such information.

We also inform you that, in accordance with that stipulated in the law, you may exercise your right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a letter by certified post or other equivalent method that ensures registry of receipt, along with a photocopy of your national identity card, to the following address: Calle San Juan, 6, 20003, San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa.

El Orfeón Donostiarra no vende, cede, arrienda ni transmite de ningún modo, información o datos de carácter personal de sus Clientes/Usuarios a terceros. The Orfeón Donostiarra does not sell, cede, hire or transmit, in any way, its Customers/Users’ personal information or data to third parties.

The User guarantees that the Personal Details provided to the Orfeón Donostiarra are accurate and assumes responsibility to communicate any changes. The User assumes sole responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, caused to the Orfeón Donostiarra or any other third party as a result of forms being completed using false, inexact, incomplete or out of date information. The User should not include the personal details of third parties without their informed consent, having read that established in this privacy policy, and assumes sole responsibility for their inclusion.

We would warn children and young people under the age of 13 that they will need their parents’ or guardians’ permission in order to provide personal details over the Orfeón Donostiarra website.

The Orfeón Donostiarra has taken the necessary measures to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access to the personal data in its possession, taking into consideration at all times any advances in technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, either from human action or the physical or natural environment. Nevertheless, the User should be aware that safety measures taken on the Internet are not impregnable.

The Orfeón Donostiarra reserves the right to modify its privacy policy in accordance with its own criteria, or as the result of a change in the law, jurisprudence or business practice. If the Orfeón Donostiarra were to introduce a modification, the new text will be published on this very website, where the User will be able to read the conditions of the current policy. In all cases, the society’s relationship with its website users shall be governed by the regulations in effect at the time the website is accessed.

The completion of the forms included on the website implies the User’s express consent for the details provided to be included in the aforementioned automated file, property of the Orfeón Donostiarra, for the purposes indicated.

Intellectual property

All audio-visual material, registered brands or other elements subject to intellectual property law included on this website are the property of the Orfeón Donostiarra and are protected by copyright. Any unauthorised modification, copy, hiring, loaning, transmission or dissemination is strictly prohibited. The material on this website may not be transformed, sold, commercialised, used or distributed for profit.

© Orfeón Donostiarra. All rights reserved.


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